51F Tummy tuck, Lipo 360 & Renuvion
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 51 year old woman 3 months after tummy tuck, Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls), and Renuvion skin tightening.
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 51 year old woman 3 months after tummy tuck, Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls), and Renuvion skin tightening.
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 44-year-old woman 3 months after tummy tuck with Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls) with Renuvion skin tightening of liposuction sites.
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 53 year old woman 3 months after a tummy tuck with Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls) with Renuvion skin tightening.
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 39 year old woman 3 months after tummy tuck with Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls) and Renuvion skin tightening.
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 38 year old woman 3 months after tummy tuck with Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls) and Renuvion skin tightening.
BEFORE & AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY PHOTOS 44 year old woman 3 months after tummy tuck with Lipo 360 (liposuction of the abdomen, waist, flanks, lateral chest, back, and back bra rolls), Brazilian Butt Lift (fat transfer to the buttocks), and Renuvion skin tightening.
👊 Got ‘Em 👊 Air Jordan 1 Retro Low OG Year of the Snake💰💯 “If you know, you know.” 👉 #airjordan #airjordan1 @jumpman23 #sofresh #airjordan1retrolowog #airjordan1retro #airjordan1low #thedocwiththejordans ...
❤️ A picture is worth 1,000 words. ❤️ This is why I do what I do. Looking good @searshagebhart, you deserve every second of happiness!!! ❤️ #goals #bodygoals #bodyliftsurgery #petrungaroplasticsurgery #makeyourbeautifulhappen ...
👊 It’s Tummy Tuck Tuesday!!! 👊 Swipe ⬅️ to check out these awesome results 3 months out from our tummy tuck with Lipo 360! ❤️ Are you ready to look and feel your best? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA today at (219) 836-1163 to schedule your consultation! ❤️ .
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⭐️ Looking to rejuvenate your breasts? 🔥Swipe ⬅️ to check out these beautiful 3-month results from our popular BREAST AUGMENTATION procedure! ⭐️ Implants were placed under the muscles through a small breast fold incision.🔥This patient had Natrelle Inspira smooth round full profile silicone gel implants, 415 mL right and 385 mL left. ⭐️ Are you ready? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA today at (219) 836-1163 to schedule your consultation!🔥www.petrungaroplasticsurgery.com
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👊 Got ‘Em 👊 Air Jordan 1 Retro Low ‘85 OG Royal💰💯 “If you know, you know.” 👉 #airjordan #airjordan1 @jumpman23 #sofresh #airjordan1retrolowog #airjordan1retro #airjordan1retrolowogroyal #thedocwiththejordans ...
💋 Do your lips need a little plumping? 💋Check out these beautiful results immediately after 1 mL of Restylane Kysse was injected into the upper and lower lips! ❤️ Are you ready for yours? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA today at (219) 836-1163 to schedule your consultation!❤️
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😎 Swipe ⬅️ to see these awesome results 3 months out from an upper arm lift (brachioplasty)! 😎 Confidence: BOOSTED 👊 Now she’s ready for summer, short sleeves, and dresses! ❤️ Ready for yours? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NW INDIANA today at (219)836-1163 to set up your consultation! 👌.
#armlift #armlifting #armliftsurgery #brachioplasty #brachioplastyresults #drpetrungaro #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #chicagoplasticsurgery #indianaplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #petrungaroplasticsurgery #makeyourbeautifulhappen
⭐️ Best of the Region is back again folks! 👊👊 TIME TO DEFEND THE 2024 TITLE!!! 👊👊 Voting starts 2/20/25. EVERY PERSON CAN VOTE TWICE DAILY. You can text to vote, scan a QR code, or head to the Times website. ⭐️ We are up for Best Cosmetic Surgery Center once again. Help us defend our 2024 title!!! Thanks to everyone in advance!!! ❤️ ...
👊 Got ‘Em (FOR MY WIFE ❤️😎) 👊 Air Jordan 3 Retro Valentine’s Day💰💯 “If you know, you know.” 👉 #airjordan #airjordan3 @jumpman23 #sofresh #airjordan3retrovalentinesday #airjordan3retro #airjordan3 #thedocwiththejordans ...
⭐️ Would you like to increase your breast size? Are your breasts looking droopy? 🧐 Swipe ⬅️ to check out these beautiful results from our popular BREAST LIFT with AUGMENTATION procedure! ⭐️ Implants were placed under the muscles and the lift was done using a lollipop pattern.🔥Implants used are Natrelle Inspira full profile silicone gel implants, 385 mL each. ⭐️ Are you ready for a breast makeover by the #1 Cosmetic Surgery Center in Northwest Indiana? Call us today at (219) 836-1163 to schedule your consultation!🔥www.petrungaroplasticsurgery.com
#drpetrungaro #nwindiana #plasticsurgeon #petrungaroplasticsurgery #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeon #chicagoplasticsurgeon #chicagoplasticsurgery #breastaugmentation #breastimplants #breastlift #breastliftwithimplants #natrelle #natrellebreastimplants #lollipopbreastlift #augmentationmastopexy #boobjob #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeonchicago #thepowerofyou #makeyourbeautifulhappen @natrellebreastaugmentation
😎 Swipe ⬅️ to see these awesome results 3 months out from an upper arm lift (brachioplasty)! 😎 Confidence: BOOSTED 👊 Now she’s ready for summer, short sleeves, and dresses! ❤️ Ready for yours? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NW INDIANA today at (219)836-1163 to set up your consultation! 👌.
#armlift #armlifting #armliftsurgery #brachioplasty #brachioplastyresults #drpetrungaro #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #chicagoplasticsurgery #indianaplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #petrungaroplasticsurgery
👊 Got ‘Em 👊 Air Jordan 11 Retro Legend Blue💰💯 “If you know, you know.” 👉 #airjordan #airjordan11 @jumpman23 #sofresh #airjordan11retrolegendblue #airjordan11retro #airjordan11s #airjordan11retrocolumbia #thedocwiththejordans ...
👊 Another INCREDIBLE transformation 3 months after a FULL REVISION fleur-de-lis body lift that removed 4.6 POUNDS OF SKIN!!!!! 👊 Our patient lost significant weight and another Plastic Surgeon felt it was adequate to perform just a simple tummy tuck on her last year. 🤯 Based on her preoperative photos, you can see it was NOT. When she came to see me she was unhappy because she still had a massive amount of loose skin of her belly, waist, outer thighs, and butt. 👉 So I fixed it! 🔥 Have you lost a lot of weight and are struggling with loose skin hanging from your belly and waist? Are your hips and butt sagging? CALL THE #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA at (219)836-1163 and set up your body contouring consult! 🤩
#petrungaroplasticsurgery #bodylift #bodycontouring #plasticsurgery #beltlipectomy #buttlifting #thighlift #tummytuck #360tummytuck #abdominoplasty #bodyliftsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #chicagoplasticsurgery #indianaplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #fleurdelistummytuck #fleurdelisabdominoplasty #fleurdelisbodylift #drpetrungaro #makeyourbeautifulhappen
👉 Do you have droopy breasts that are just too large for your body? 🤩 Check out these incredible results 3 months after breast reduction and lift surgery!!! 🤩 Our patient wanted to refine her breasts to a lifted, athletic look and I think we delivered!!! 👊 Clothes fit better? ✅ Neck and back pain gone? ✅ Are you ready to change your life? 👉 Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA today at (219)836-1163! .
#drpetrungaro #plasticsurgeon #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeon #breastreductionsurgery #breastreduction #breastlift #breastreductionjourney #boobjob #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #petrungaroplasticsurgery #makeyourbeautifulhappen
😎 Do you have loose neck skin and excess fat that you want gone but don’t want to do a huge expensive necklift or facelift surgery? 🤔 I just might have the solution for you! 👊 Swipe ⬅️ to see these awesome results from neck liposuction with RENUVION skin tightening! 😎 Just look at that slender, tight neckline! ❤️ I am the ONLY surgeon in the area who owns and uses Renuvion. 🔥 Ready for yours? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA today at (219)836-1163 to set up your consultation! 👌.
#drpetrungaro #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #chicagoplasticsurgery #indianaplasticsurgery #liposuction #lipo #neckliposuction #necklipo #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #necklift #petrungaroplasticsurgery #renuvion #jplasma #renuvionneck #makeyourbeautifulhappen @renuvion @renuvion_midwest #thisisme
👊 Another INCREDIBLE transformation LESS THAN 24 HOURS AFTER a fleur-de-lis body lift that removed 14 POUNDS OF SKIN!!!!! 👊 Our patient was left with loose skin around her belly, midsection, thighs, and buttocks after significant weight loss. 👊 These results are only going to get BETTER.🔥 Have you lost a lot of weight and are stuck with loose skin hanging from your belly and waist? Are your hips and butt sagging? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA and set up your body contouring consult! 🤩
#petrungaroplasticsurgery #bodylift #bodycontouring #plasticsurgery #beltlipectomy #buttlifting #thighlift #tummytuck #360tummytuck #abdominoplasty #bodyliftsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #chicagoplasticsurgery #indianaplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #fleurdelistummytuck #fleurdelisabdominoplasty #fleurdelisbodylift #drpetrungaro #makeyourbeautifulhappen #360tummytuck
🚨 Do you have a ruptured saline implant? 😱 My patient came to see me after her right saline implant ruptured after being in place for 17 years! 🤯 She wanted to remove and replace her implants (and go a little bigger ✅), so I fixed it!!! 😎 Her old 240 mL saline implants were removed and replaced with Natrelle Inspira style SRF full profile silicone implants, 385 mL right and 365 mL left. 🔥 Swipe ⬅️ to check out these beautiful 3-month results from the procedure! ⭐️ Implants were placed under the muscles through a small breast fold incision. ⭐️ Do your implants need a change or an upgrade? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NORTHWEST INDIANA today at (219) 836-1163 to schedule your consultation!🔥www.petrungaroplasticsurgery.com
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👊 Got ‘Em 👊 Air Jordan 12 Retro Blueberry💰💯 “If you know, you know.” 👉 #airjordan #airjordan12 @jumpman23 #sofresh #airjordan12retro #airjordan12retroblueberry #thedocwiththejordans ...
😎 Swipe ⬅️ to see these awesome results 3 months out from an upper arm lift (brachioplasty)! 😎 Confidence: BOOSTED 👊 Now she’s ready for summer, short sleeves, and dresses! ❤️ Ready for yours? Call the #1 COSMETIC SURGERY CENTER IN NW INDIANA today at (219)836-1163 to set up your consultation! 👌.
#armlift #armlifting #armliftsurgery #brachioplasty #brachioplastyresults #drpetrungaro #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #chicagoplasticsurgery #indianaplasticsurgery #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #petrungaroplasticsurgery
☘️ Let’s get it done today Irish ☘️ #goirish #notredamefootball #ndfootball #universityofnotredame #collegefootballplayoff @ndfootball @ndbarstool ...